To support brave Ukrainian people!
European community endeavor with the science on each side!
Solidarity Forum for Ukrainian Courage!
First and only International Forum to support Ukrainian researchers and doctors. Bringing together exclusive achievements of reproductive endocrinology and genetics
We are pleased to announce that the International outstanding event: “Forum of Solidarity for Ukrainian Сourage” to be held as online scientific meeting on September 30 – October 1, 2023, has been supported by the prominent fertility specialists and reputable doctors from almost all parts of the World.
Welcome to the “Forum of Solidarity for Ukrainian courage” 2023!
The first and only dedicated International forum in the context of support Ukrainian People and Doctors with a focus on bringing together exclusive frontiers in reproductive endocrinology and reproductive genetics.
Our meeting will bring together high-level specialists and established researchers from different corners of the world to elucidate their recent achievements in accuracy of stimulation strategies, endometrial receptivity issues, endometriosis treatment, embryonic development estimation, Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Intelligence and of course their impact on the IVF outcomes and treatment’ results.
Reproductive team fertility specialists of medical center Reprolife and reproductive specialists from Ukraine express highest respect and infinite gratitude for each speaker contribution, human support and professional participation in our forum.
For us, the clinicians of Medical center Reprolife, educational meeting is especially important because we certainly believe that with participating such educational meeting we can elaborate new approaches and explore new aspects of human fertility all together therefore contribute to reproductive medicine development.
We expect marvelous and of highest quality presentations from speakers and our faculties. I am sure that the style of each researcher is the acme of perfection and should be followed both in dedication to the profession and in generous readiness to help in uncertain period.
We appreciate each effort of our outstanding colleagues, our official partners, and each speaker for generous willingness to support our initiative and making this truly memorable networking event possible. We look forward to seeing you all in our Forum of Solidarity to Ukrainian Courage sequence this October and we believe that in the nearest time it will be possible to meet each other in person!
Bringing the peace to Ukraine!
Bringing new life for the children!
Bringing novel expertise and knowledge!
Reproductive endocrinologists and geneticists, organizers and invited speakers participated in Solidarity forum for Ukrainian Сourage
Reproductive endocrinologists and geneticists, organizers and invited speakers participated in Solidarity forum for Ukrainian Сourage
The programme is available at this link. Our scientific programme includes many inspiring presentations from field leaders, reputable doctors, outstanding researchers and talks about future perspectives and sequencing in our exciting specialty, our amazing Reproductive medicine.
There will of course the opportunities to have interactive Q&A sessions with those at the forefront of research in both fields Reproductive endocrinology and Genetics.
We appreciate each efforts of our reliable colleagues, our official partners, each and every speaker for making this truly memorable networking event possible. We look forward to seeing you all in our Forum of Solidarity to Ukrainian Courage!
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